Keep it Real sis! A place where Black Women can vent about work. "Curses" are allowed too! KIRsis

Tired of being
silenced and

Need a safe
place to vent and
express your rage?

Have a story you
want to share?

Tell us about it.
Use our voicemail box
to release your anger, anxiety,
frustrations, and fears.
You've got 3 minutes.
If we use your audio clip
on any of our media platforms,
we will identify you only by your first name.

Did you ever wonder
why so many sisters
look so angry?…

It’s because stress is hemmed into our dresses, pressed into our hair, mixed into our perfume and painted on our fingers. Stress from the deferred dreams, the dreams not voiced; stress from the broken promises, the blatant lies; stress from always being at the bottom, from never being thought beautiful, from always being taken for granted, taken advantage of; stress from being a black woman in white America. Much of this stress is caused by how the world outside us relates to us. We cannot control that world, at times we can change it but we can assert agency in our own lives so that the outside world cannot over-determine our responses, cannot make our lives a dumping ground for stress.
-Opal Palmer Adisa, Rocking in the Sunlight: Stress and Black Women